River Selby is a fiction and nonfiction writer, teacher, and freelancer.

They have a newsletter with over 3,500 subscribers. It’s called Navel Gazing. River also helps businesses and individuals with social media, copywriting, and promotional writing and graphics. They have worked with tech companies, environmental nonprofits, and wellness companies.

Their work has been published in Bellevue Literary Review, the New Ohio Review, Slate, High Country News, Tricycle Buddhist Review, and Bitch, amongst others. In 2017 they won Boulevard’s short story contest.

Read their two newsletters: WILDERNESS and ENTROPICAL PARADISE.

In 2018 River graduated with their MFA in creative writing (fiction) from Syracuse University. They have traveled to Nepal to study Vipassana meditation, Czechia for a Fulbright, Central America for backpacking and many places in between.

They are currently pursuing their PhD in literature and nonfiction.

River has 500 hours of yoga teacher training and teaches restorative, rehabilitative, somatic and yoga nidra movement and meditation, specifically for folks in marginalized bodies.

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